วันศุกร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Figure 1 - side view of a dog's abdomen: take note of the stomach is moderately distended with gas in a dog with GDV. The stomach has a reverse "C" shape which indicates that it is twisted

Figure 2: the belt or tongue of tissue created on the stomach has been pulled through the beltloop of the abdominal wall and the belt is sutured onto the stomach, completing a beltloop gastropexy.

Figure 3 below: a belt loop is created in the muscle wall of the abdomen on the right side.

Figure 4 below: the belt loop gastropexy involves creating a belt or tongue of tissue on the stomach.

Figure 5 : an illustration of a stomach in normal position (E=esophagus; D=duodenum); right - after the stomach twists 270o in a clockwise direction, the duodenum as it exits the stomach, is moved to the top and behind the stomach, the esophagus is twisted and the stomach is becomes distended like a balloon.


